Terms of Use

The terms 'us', 'we', 'Stheleris' refer to Stheleris c/o openpot Media e.K. Germany.

1. Acceptance of Terms of Use Agreement

By using this website and/or creating an account, regardless of the device you use, you agree to be bound by these terms of use, our privacy police and license agreement. If you do not accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms of this agreement, please do not use our service.
We may change this agreement and our service from time to time for any reasons without any prior notice. The most recent version of this agreement is the version that applies.

2. Eligibility

You are not allowed to access our website and use our service unless all of the following are true:
i. you are at least 18 years of age
ii. you are able to bind legal contracts with us
iii. you are not a person who is barred from using the service under German/European laws, embargo- or sanction-lists
iv. you will comply with this agreement and all applicable laws, rules and regulations
v. you have never been convicted of any crime involving industrial spying, treason, betrayal of state secrets, illegal insider trading, illegal drug dealing or distributing of illegal data material of any kind

3. Your Account

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your login credentials. You are solely responsible for all activities that occur under those credentials, unless somebody has gained access to your account and you reported it immediately to us.

4. Limitation of accounts and Termination

We reserve the right to limit the maximum number of accounts on our servers. You have no legal claim to open an account and use our service. We may terminate your account at any time without giving any reason. Paid fees will be refunded accordingly to the time you were able to use our service.
You may terminate your account at any time without giving any reasons. Paid fees will be withhold, unless you can plead our failure to provide the service.

5. Purchases

For the use of our service, we demand a monthly amount of money. We only accept advance payment and do not demand/offer debit entry or automatic card payment or any kind of abonnements or auto-renewals.
You may choose among the payment methods we offer during your registration process. All given prices are total costs, inclusive taxes. The action which leads to a purchase contract with us is indicated distinctly. Nevertheless, the purchase contract with us is valid not before you concluded the advance payment and we have received the total amount of money.
You agree to pay for having access to the service, not for the service itself. Constraints in the availability of our service do not justify a reduction of the agreed costs, unless the constraints are significant and caused by us.

6. Indemnity by you

You agree, to the extent permitted under applicable law, to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Stheleris, our respective officers, directors, agents, and employees from and against any and all complaints, demands, claims, damages, losses, costs, liabilities and expenses, including attorney’s fees due to, arising out of, or relating in any way to your access to or use of the service, your content, or your breach of this agreement.

Zero Hope Policy
Anyone who is concerned with ICT-security will be familiar with the term 'zero trust'. This refers to a program-logical approach in which no point in the network is trusted - not even one's own (intra)network, not even one's own host. This is intended to increase security in networks by making it impossible for an attacker to obtain security-relevant privileges by pretending to be a trusted party. We consider the 'omission' of such privileges to be a reasonable approach and have developed it further: The Zero Hope principle assumes that everything that is in principle compromisable must be omitted. This is because the presence of a security measure, that is not secure, leads to a false sense of security and ultimately to misjudgments and application errors. This is why we, for example, do show your login passwort in plain text (we do not store it in plain text, though). You should be aware, that a password is never safe. We rather have chosen a way, that the password is irrelevant, when intercepted by an attacker. An attacker can then access your account but still cannot decrypt anything. Relying on a password would give the user a false sense of security, whereas that security may could have been compromised long ago. It is better to know under which circumstances security can no longer be assumed. And if the security measures do not exist at all, they cannot be falsely relied upon. All the security measures we have built into WebOTPad project are reliable according to this principle. You know exactly when your security is guaranteed and when it is compromised.
License and Warranty
By using the Stheleris WebOTPad, you accept the following license agreement for the use of the software supplied on this website.

(a) Restrictions. The 'WebOTPad' software supplied on this website and required for the intended use of this website (hereinafter referred to as 'Software') is licensed, not sold, and Stheleris reserves all rights not expressly granted by Stheleris in this License Agreement. The following are the rights that are not granted by this License Agreement and corresponding actions are unlawful:
i. any kind of modification of the Software
ii. circumventing technical protection measures in or in connection with the Software
iii. disassembling, decompiling, decrypting, hacking, reverse engineering, patching the Software
iv. copying the Software and using it on devices or servers or any public place
v. transferring this license agreement to a third party
vi. use the Software in a way that is not permitted, e.g. illegal activities or in a way that disturbs other users of these website
vii. the commercial transfer of the software to third parties, e.g. on loan or in the context of a service
viii. embedding the Software in other software environments
ix. copy, modify, transmit, create any derivative works from, make use of, or reproduce in any way any copyrighted material, images, trademarks, trade names, service marks, or other intellectual property, content or proprietary information accessible through this service
x. use any robot, bot, spider, crawler, scraper, site search/retrieval application or other manual or automatic device, method or process to access, retrieve, index, 'data mine' or in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the service or its contents
xi. upload viruses or other malicious code or otherwise compromise the security of the service
xii. use or develop any third-party applications that interact with the service or users' content or information
xiii. probe, scan or test the vulnerability of our service or any system or network

(b) Grant. Stheleris grants you the right to use the Software for its intended purpose privately and in the course of your commercial activities for an unlimited period of time and territory.

(c) -repealed-

(d) Updates. The software can be updated by Stheleris any time without prior notice. You can find information about possible updates on the Stheleris website.

(e) Third Party Rights. Any third party software that is required for the Device to function is licensed to you by the third party that owns the software, not by Stheleris. References to Third Party Software, if any, are for your information only.

(f) Warranty. You have rights as a consumer that require Stheleris to provide this Software with reasonable care and skill. Subject to this warranty, and except where we would have intentionally caused or maliciously concealed defects, we provide this Software "AS IS", "WITH ALL FAULTS", and "AS AVAILABLE". We do not warrant that the Licensed Software will operate properly or as intended at all times, in all places, on all devices and under all circumstances. You acknowledge that computers and telecommunications systems are not error-free and that malfunctions may occur under certain circumstances, even if attempts were made to anticipate and avoid them during the development of the Software.

(g) Limitation of Liability. Stheleris is not liable for any content that users of this Software communicate or make available to others. Content and activities distributed or committed by users of the Software are not attributable to Stheleris, nor do they reflect the opinion of Stheleris.
Stheleris is only liable if essential contractual obligations or legal obligations according to applicable law have been violated.
Stheleris is not liable for indirect damages, such as (but not limited to) financial losses or lost profits, unless Stheleris has caused them by gross negligence or intentional misconduct.
Stheleris is not liable for any other technologies and damages that may result from their use, which are necessary for the use of the licensed software or the underlying device.

(h) Jurisdiction . The place of jurisdiction is Freudenstadt, Germany. German law is applicable.
The manufacturer of this software guarantees that its product and technical solution have been designed and manufactured to the best of its knowledge and that the theoretical basis of its technologies is sound. However, the manufacturer does not assume any liability for the implementation of its products / solutions in all environments, and that these are unrestrictedly suitable for the intended purpose of its product. In particular, the manufacturer assumes no liability for security compromising environments, which could make the intended security of its products bypassable, for unintentionally or intentionally defective environments or environments that do not function as expected, such as (but not limited to) random number generators that could compromise the cipher, components with (un-)intentional backdoors or components that enable the (re)production of the plaintext when reading out their EM radiation. Furthermore, the manufacturer is not liable for damages of any kind that could result from compromised application of its technologies. The manufacturer is also not liable for any kind of damage, such as (but not limited to) loss of data, which may result from the use of its technologies. The use of the manufacturer's technologies is AT YOUR OWN RISK!
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